NFCC Announcements – New C&R Limit Added

Catch & Release of Small Fish

All fish measuring under 5 inches long must be released back into the lake. This new limit is for all breeds, including trash fish like bluegill.

Thank You

To all who’ve come out to help with cleanup on Saturdays from 9am-12pm, thank you!! We hope to see you again next Saturday.

To the members who have been running their weed eaters when they come out to fish, thank you!! This makes a huge impact on how nice our lake looks.

To the members who make sure their area is clean before leaving and to those who have stopped to pick up trash, even when it doesn’t belong to you, thank you!! Again, this makes a huge impact.


Put things back before you leave. We understand that in some situations, things get moved around. We ask that you please put things back where you found them or where they should’ve been. This includes trash cans, picnic tables, and especially bricks.

Pick up after yourselves. Also remember that it’s our responsibility as club members to pick up trash whether it belongs to us or not.

Lock the gate. Whether you’re going in or out or you’ll “be back in a minute”, the gate needs to be locked behind you.

No trash in the burn pits. We’ve had members become very ill after trying to enjoy a fire. Trash can be toxic when burned. The smoke is toxic and can contaminate food that’s being cooked in the fire.

Be courteous to others.  Be mindful of where your headlights, flashlights, and lanterns are pointing. Remember that voices carry across the lake.