Members’ Meetings and Board Meetings are held monthly in our clubhouse. Please check our calendar or Facebook page for details about our upcoming meetings.
Meetings are the first Wednesday of each month, starting at 6:30 pm.
Board Members
Todd Crose 217-597-8873
Todd Crose 217-597-8873
Harold Fuller 765-269-6817
Harold Fuller 765-269-6817
Donna Fuller 765-337-2715 or 765-375-8361
Donna Fuller 765-337-2715 or 765-375-8361
Board Members
Jack Eaton
Jana Fuller-Hansen
Nik Hansen
Chad Ray
Butch & Sue Rogers
Donald Allen
Candi Northrup
Elaine Crose
Brella’s Bait Shop
Off of Main Street, down the alley
by Dairy Queen and the city dog pound